Episode 16. Under pressure – Mental health

Doing a PhD is an emotional rollercoaster – at some point, you might find yourself at the bottom of the ride – struggling to get back up. Mental health is just as important as physical health, but it is still stigmatized and the support system is inadequate. Tobias joined us to share his experience and discuss the importance of openness and access to sufficient help. Please, take care, everyone!
For our colleagues in Bergen, we have collected some links to places you might turn to for help:
• Bergen Legevakt Livskrisehjelp, if you need urgent help: https://www.bergen.kommune.no/innbyggerhjelpen/helse-og-omsorg/akutt-helsehjelp/livskriser/hjelp-til-mennesker-i-livskrise• “Rask psykisk hjelp”, free offer for milder forms of anxiety, depression etc.: https://www.bergen.kommune.no/innbyggerhjelpen/helse-og-omsorg/helsetjenester/psykiske-helsetjenester/rask-psykisk-helsehjelp

• Psykologisk poliklinikk, offer free treatment through UiBs psychological training clinics (need reference from e.g. “fastlege”: Seksjon for unge og voksne | Psykologisk universitetspoliklinikk | UiB

• Bedriftshelsetjenesten ved UiB, : https://www.uib.no/hms-portalen/111462/kontakt-bedriftshelsetjenesten

• Contact your «fastlege»/GP to get a reference for professional help!

Episode 15. Fun it – Fieldwork

Curious about what scientists and PhD students are doing in the field? Or are you looking for some advice for your own field season? We had a chat with Siri Haugum who has plenty of field experience from several continents and knows a thing or two about successful data gathering. She also got some unbelievable stories to share! Hear about her experiences, and how she accidentally ended up at the North Pole – twice!

Music credit: kabbalisticvillage